Unless otherwise indicated, all items are in used, but functional, condition.
For the last 24 years, this equipment has been successfully used in training and during field installation.
Currently, some photos and prices are not available. Check back for such information.
Modifications to the equipment, as shown, will result in cost increase.
Each item fulfills its function. Pearson Technologies Inc. verifies proper function prior to shipment.
All sales are final.
Shipping cost is to be added to prices shown. Pearson Technologies will provide total price, which includes shipping cost.
Unless purchaser provides a valid FEDEX account number, shipping will be by FEDEX ground.
All items will be shipped after payment.
All payment will be with bank or certified check.
1. FTB-400 7 slot OTDR
2. FTB-400 4 slot OTDR
3. With VGA HDMI converter
4. FTB-400 Manuals (2)
5. FTB-6000 4 Wavelength OTDR Module for FTB-400, Corning OV-1000
6. JDSU 8000 OTDR
7. JDSU 6000
8. Insertion Loss Test Sets
9. Multimode Insertion Loss Test Sets
10.2000m Singlemode Launch Cable Box
11. JDSU OLP-82P Fiber Inspection Microscope and Power Meter
12. Connector Installation Tool Kit
13. Cable End Preparation Tool Kit
14.Westover Video Microscope with Probe and VFL. $185
15. JDSU Video Microscope with Probe. $175
16. Handheld Microscopes. @$25
17.EXFO Back Reflection/Reflection Test Set. $200
18. Multimode Insertion Loss Test Set (2 available). $200
19.Multimode Insertion Loss EF Test Set (1 available). $300
20.Visual Fault Finders with 2 Adapters (7 available). $25
21.Singlemode HDMI Channel Extender. $50
22. Cleavers (8 available). @$10
23. Cleavers. AFL CT-04 (2 available). @$25
24. Cleaning Kit, Sticklers. $50
25. Test Box Kit #1 for Power Loss and OTDR Testing and Training. $750
26. Test Box Kit #2 for Power Loss and OTDR Testing and Training. $750
27.Armor Cutters. $15
28. Pelican 1660, Waterproof, with Full Foam and 2 Locks. $200
29. Inno View 1 Fusion Splicer Kit (2 available). @$1650
30. Inno View 3 Fusion Splicer Kit (2 available). @$1650
31. Inno IFS 55 Fusion Splicer Kit (1 available). $1450
32. Inno M7 Fusion Splicer Kit (2 available). @$1450
33.Inno View 5 Fusion Splicer Kit (1 available). $1750
34. Pelican Waterproof 1660 with 2 Locks (8 available). $125
35.Unicam VFL Tool and Cleaver (11 available). @$510
36. Unicam VFL Tool and Cleaver (1 available). @$675
37. Apache 4800 Rugged Protective Case (4 available). @$30
38. Apache 3800 Rugged Protective Case (9 available). @$20
39. Apache 2800 Rugged Protective Case (7 available). @$15
40. Apache 1800 Rugged Protective Case (6 available). @$10
41. Fiber on Reels, With Pigtail
42. OS2 Launch Cable, ~100m (2 available). $85
43. Preformed Line Products Coyote Enclosures (6 available). $100
44. Miller Mid Span Tube Slitter. $125
45. Long Fiber with Primary Coating on Reels
46. Items for Future Sale at end of page
Entry Date: 26-Mar-25
1. FTB-400 7 slot OTDR. $800
Useful for fixed location testing and training
Large 11.75” color screen
Can output screen to VGA monitor
Can output screen to HDMI monitor or data projector. (Requires VGA to HDMI converter kit, kit not included)
Fully functional OTDR software, Toolbox 6 software installed
Offload traces for use on computer
Runs on AC or batteries
USB port for storage of traces
Screen cover protects screen from damage
Handle for ease in moving unit
2 OTDR modules with 850, 1300, 1310, and 1550nm wavelengths with SC interface??
OM3 launch cable, SC to LC
OS2 launch cable, SC to LC
To text SC cables, add an SC to LC adapter cable. Not provided
LC adapter
Power cable
Tilt mechanism
USB memory port
Printer port
PDF manual
Note: singlemode module has elevated loss. Module remains functional (See fifth photo below).
Request FTB-400 brochure:
With VGA HDMI converter (Below), add $65
2. Battery Charger for FTB-400). $250
Extend operational life without AC power
Charge one battery at a time
Spare batteries with built-in charge indicators
Battery charging unit
Power supply
Spare batteries (battery life not guaranteed)
3. FTB-400 4 slot OTDR. $1000
Useful for field testing and training
2 empty slots for other EXFO modules
Large 11.75” color screen
Output screen to VGA monitor
Output screen to HDMI on large monitor or data projector. (Requires HDMI converter, not included)
Fully functional OTDR software, ToolBox 6 software installed
Offload traces for use on computer
USB port for storage of traces
Screen cover protects screen from damage
Handle for ease in moving unit
2 OTDR modules, with 850, 1300, 1310, and 1550nm wavelengths
OM3 launch cable, SC to LC
OS2 launch cable, SC to LC
To text SC cables, add an SC to LC adapter cable. Not provided.
LC adapter
Screen cover
Tilt mechanism
USB memory port
Power supply and power cable
Printer port
Hard, foam-lined, carrying case
PDF manual
Request FTB-400 brochure:
With VGA to HDMI Converter (Below), add $65
4. Printed FTB-400 Manuals (3 @ $20)
5. FTB-6000 4 Wavelength OTDR Module for FTB-400, Corning OV-1000. $675
With one of several mainframes, useful for field testing and training
Mainframes: FTP-400, FTB-300, EXFO FTB-200, Corning OV-1000, FTB-150 mainframe
Interfaces: SC/APC (singlemode) and SC (multimode)
SC/APC to SC patch cord (not shown)
6. JDSU 8000 OTDR. $1150
Useful for field testing and training at 850, 1300, 1310, and 1550nm wavelengths
Test power levels with built-in power meter
Identify faults with built-in visual fault locator
Large 10.25” color screen
Output screen to VGA monitor
Output screen to HDMI on large monitor or data projector. (Requires HDMI converter, not included)
Microscope probe for connector inspection capability
Fully functional OTDR software, software installed
Offload traces for use on computer
4 wavelength OTDR module
Integral VFL
Integral power meter
Microscope probe for Connector inspection with LC adapter
SC adapter?
OM3 launch cable, SC to LC
OS2 launch cable, SC to LC
LC adapter/coupler
Microscope probe for 2.5mm connectors (SC, FC, ST)
For microscope probe with additional LC adapter, call for current price.
Tilt mechanism
USB memory port
Power supply and power cable
Hard, foam-lined, carrying case
PDF Manual
With VGA HDMI converter (Below), add $65
7. JDSU 6000 OTDR. $800
Small and lightweight multimode 4 wavelength OTDR: 850, 1300, 1310, and 1550nm wavelengths
Useful for field testing and training
Large 8 inch trans reflective TFT color display improves viewing under any conditions.
Fully functional OTDR software
Lightweight platform: only 2.4kg/5.3 lbs.
Power supply and power cable
OM3 launch cable, SC to LC
OS2 launch cable, SC to LC
LC adapter
Includes hard carrying case, softs case, and power supply
Original manuals
8. Insertion Loss Test Sets (8 sets available). $400
Each set is ideal for training or for testing.
Assembling this set on your own would cost over $650/set. At $450, this is a bargain!
Test LC, singlemode and multimode cables
Test 2.5mm connectors (ST, SC, FC) with additional test leads and barrels (not provided)
Test multimode cables with EF compliant conditions
*EF test conditions are required to test OM3 and OM4 Gigabit Ethernet (multimode) links
850/1300 nm source
1310/1550 nm source
Optical power meter with 4 adapters for LC, ST, SC, AND FC
4 LC test leads (1 LC OM3, 1 LC OM3 EF*, 2 LC OS2)
2 singlemode adapters
Two storage boxes
Note: some singlemode sources have a different appearance.
If you are buying multiple sets, ask about a foam lined carrying case 2, 4 or 6 sets
9. Multimode Insertion Loss Test Sets (3 sets available). $250
Test multimode at 850 and 1300 nm under EF compliant* conditions.
*EF test conditions are required to test OM3 and OM4 Gigabit Ethernet (multimode) links
Test cables with LC connectors
This set is ideal for training or for testing.
Assembling this test set on your own would cost over $450. At $250, this is a bargain!
850/1300 nm source
Optical power meter with adapters for LC, ST, SC, AND FC
4 LC test leads (1 LC OM3, 1 OM3 EF)
Test SC, ST, or FC connectors with additional test leads and barrels (not provided)
2 singlemode LC adapters
If you buy multiple sets, ask about foam lined storage/carrying case 2, 4 or 6 sets
10. 2020m Singlemode Launch Cable Box. $175
For testing singlemode cables with LC or SC ends
11. JDSU OLP-82P Fiber Inspection Microscope and Power Meter (5 available). $165
Inspect LC connectors
Inspection of 2.5mm connectors possible with 2.5mm adapter (Not included. For 2.5mm adapter, request current price.)
Test power levels at 850, 1300, 1310, 1490, 1550, 1625nm
Test power levels of cables with 2.5mm connectors
Power test 1.25mm connectors possible with adapter cable for meter port (not provided)
Power meter with calibration at 6 wavelengths
LC adapter for microscope
2.5mm meter port
AC power supply
Note: battery may not accept charge
For 2.5mm APC adapter: free upon request.
Ask about unit with scratched screen at reduced price.
12. Connector Installation Tool Kit (12 sets). $70
Install any connector that requires no polishing
Store, distribute, ship, and use tools in a convenient manner
Reduce set-up and storage time
fiber collection bottle
lens grade tissue
tape measure
scissors (may differ from that shown)
used Sticklers or equivalent fiber cleaner (Not shown. Available until supply depleted)
safety glasses (not shown)
13. Cable End Preparation Took Kit (12 sets). $100
Prepare almost any cable for connector installation or splicing
Prepare almost any cable end that has no armor
Store, distribute, ship, and use tools in a convenient manner
Reduce set-up and storage time
tubing cutter
jacket slitter for oval cable
tape measure
needle nose pliers
side cutter
With round cable jacket slitter (9 available), add $25
14. Cable End Preparation Took Kit (3 sets). $85
(Without ratchet and socket)
Prepare almost any cable for connector installation or splicing
Prepare almost any cable end that has no armor
Store, distribute, ship, and use tools in a convenient manner
Reduce set-up and storage time
tubing cutter
jacket slitter for oval cable
tape measure
needle nose pliers
side cutter
With round cable jacket slitter, add $25
15. Cable End Preparation Took Kit (5 sets). $70
(Without slitter, ratchet and socket)
Prepare almost any cable for connector installation or splicing
Prepare almost any cable end that has no armor
Store, distribute, ship, and use tools in a convenient manner
Reduce set-up and storage time
tubing cutter
jacket slitter for oval cable
tape measure
needle nose pliers
side cutter
With round cable jacket slitter, add $25
16. Westover Video
Microscope with Probe and VFL. $185
Probe enables inspection of individual connectors and connectors within patch panels
Probe enables inspection of both LC and 2.5mm connectors (ST, SC, FC)
Works with AC and battery pack
Battery pack accepts AA batteries
Find loss and breaks with VFL port
Operates in two modes: constantly on or on with grip switch
Video microscope, model FBP-DH2-P
LC adapter
2.5mm adapter (not shown)
Battery pack (internal not shown)
AC power supply
17. JDSU Video Microscope
with Probe. $175
Probe enables inspection of individual connectors and connectors within patch panels
Probe enables inspection of both LC and 2.5mm connectors (ST, SC, FC)
Works with AC and battery pack
Battery pack accepts AA batteries
Operates in two modes: constantly on or on with grip switch
Video microscope, model HP2-PU-ZP-HDE-9013
LC adapter
2.5mm adapter (not shown)
Battery pack
AC power supply
18. Handheld Microscopes. @$25
Inspect connectors to identify cause of high loss or damage
Inspect both 1.25mm and 2.5mm connectors. Probe enables inspection of individual connectors and connectors within patch panels
Probe enables inspection of both LC and 2.5mm connectors (ST, SC, FC)
Works with AC and battery pack
Battery pack accepts AA batteries
Operates in two modes: constantly on or on with grip switch
Included, Large Microscopes (6 available, 3 shown)
Microscope, 400x
1.25mm adapter (LC)
2.5mm adapter (SC, ST, FC)
Included, Small Microscopes (on left, 2 available)
Microscope, 200x
2.5mm adapter (SC, ST, FC)
19. EXFO Back Reflection/Reflection Test Set. $200
Test reflectance of connectors and other components at 1550nm
Test back reflection of links
Operate with internal batteries or AC power supply
Demonstrate reflectance and back reflection
Back Reflection test set, model BRT-230A
SC/APC-SC reference leads (≤-55dB) (2)
SC-SC reference lead (≤-55dB)
2.5mm SC adapter
SC/APC adapter
Instruction manual
AC power supply
Carrying case
20. Multimode Insertion Loss Test Set (2 available). $200
Test multimode fibers at 850 and 1300nm
Test multimode fibers at 850 with EF compliant test lead
Multimode light source
Power meter with 5 calibrations (850, 1300, 1310, 1490, 1550nm)
EF compliant source lead
LC-LC OM3 meter lead
Meter adapters (4, SC, LC, ST, FC)
LC adapters (2)
21. Multimode Insertion Loss EF Test Set (1 available). $300
Test multimode fibers at 850 and 1300nm
Test multimode fibers at 850 with EF compliant light source
EF compliant multimode light source
Power meter with 5 calibrations (850, 1300, 1310, 1490, 1550nm)
EF compliant source lead
LC-LC OM3 meter leads (2)
Meter adapters (4, SC, LC, ST, FC)
LC adapters (2)
22. Visual Fault Finders with 2 Adapters (7 available). $25
Verify continuity
Verify polarity
Identify fiber end
Locate breaks and power loss due to bend violations
Test 2.5mm connectors (SC, ST, FC)
Test 1.25mm LC 50µ connectors
Test 1.25mm LC singlemode connectors
Power levels: 10mW (orange), 20mW (blue), 30mW (green)
VFL light source
LC adapter 50µ
LC adapter singlemode
23. Singlemode HDMI Channel Extender. $50
Extend transmission distance to 20km over singlemode fibers
Trainers: demonstrate successful cable, splice, and connector installation
Transmitter with SC interface
Receiver with SC interface
AC Power supplies (2)
24. Cleavers (8 available). @$10
Use for training with mechanical splices
Use as spare for fusion splicer kit. Use of spare enables continuation of the activity, with repair or adjustment of cleaver delayed to convenient time.
Measurement insert
Adjustment wrench
24. Cleavers. AFL CT-04 (2 available). @$25
Use for training with mechanical splices
Relative to cleavers above, reduced cleave angles result in reduced splice loss
Use as spare for fusion splicer kit
Measurement insert
Spare scribing wheel
One has automatic shard collection mechanism
25. Cleaning Kit, Sticklers. $50
Use for training with mechanical splices
Relative to cleavers above, reduced cleave angles result in reduced splice loss
Use as spare for fusion splicer kit
Measurement insert
26. Test Box Kit #1 for Power Loss and OTDR Testing and Training. $750
This kit enables trainees to demonstrate successful (or not) cable, splice, and connector installation. The kit consists of 5 test boxes, with a total of ten fiber links. Links have OM1, OM2, and OS2 fiber and LC connectors. If needed, patch cords are included. Trainees can make insertion loss and OTDR measurements of fibers in boxes. Certification and Troubleshooting Fiber Optic Networks, v.13 contains maps, specifications, and forms for recording test data and calculating acceptance values.
(Not included. Available from Amazon or from Pearson Technologies.)
Five test boxes with 9 links
Needed patch cords
Certification and Troubleshooting Fiber Optic Networks, v.13 (1 copy)
27. Test Box Kit #2 for Power Loss and OTDR Testing and Training. $750
This kit enables trainees to demonstrate (or not) successful cable, splice, and connector installation. The kit consists of 3 test boxes, with a total of six fiber links. Links have OM3 and OS2 fiber and LC connectors.
Trainees can make insertion loss and OTDR measurements of fibers in boxes. ??Using the fiber types and lengths indicated on and in each box, the fiber specifications on page 9, trainees can calculate acceptance values and record test results in Certification and Troubleshooting Fiber Optic Networks, v.13. (Not included. Available from Amazon.)
3 test boxes with 6 links
Patch cords for each link
Certification and Troubleshooting Fiber Optic Networks, v.13 (1 copy)
28. Armor Cutters. $15
29. Pelican 1660, Waterproof, with Full Foam and 2 Locks. $200
Tight latches (7)
Convenient to move with wheels, 2 end handles, and retractable handle
32” x 23” x 20”
34# without foam
2 4-digit combination locks
Full foam set
In more than 500 shipments, Pearson Technologies has never experienced damaged equipment in these cases, even in shipments to: Japan, S Korea, Italy, Germany, England, Canada
30. Inno View 1 Fusion Splicer Kit (2 available). @$1800
Splice multimode, singlemode, G. 652, G. 657, and other singlemode fiber types
Splice 200µ, 250µ and 900µ fiber
Splicer estimates splice loss
Splice counts:
Prior to shipment, splicers received full charge
Prior to shipment, splicers make and record 2 splices each of OM3 and OS2
Power supply
Spare electrodes
250µ removable holders (2)
900µ removable holders (2)
Carrying case
Oven cooling tray
Fiber collection bottle
Tweezers or pick
retake without screwdriver??
31. Inno View 3 Fusion Splicer Kit (2 available). @$1950
Splice multimode, singlemode, G. 652, G. 657, and other singlemode fiber types
Splice 200µ, 250µ and 900µ fiber
Splicer estimates splice loss
Prior to shipment, splicers received full charge
Prior to shipment, splicers make and record 2 splices each of OM3 and OS2
Power supply
Spare electrodes
250µ removable holders (2)
900µ removable holders (2)
Carrying case
Oven cooling tray
Fiber collection bottle
Tweezers or pick
32. Inno IFS 55 Fusion Splicer Kit (1 available). $1600
Splice multimode, singlemode, G. 652, G. 657, and other singlemode fiber types
Splice 200µ, 250µ and 900µ fiber
Splicer estimates splice loss
Prior to shipment, splicers received full charge
Prior to shipment, splicers make and record 2 splices each of OM3 and OS2
Power supply
Spare electrodes
250µ removable holders (2)
900µ removable holders (2)
Carrying case
Oven cooling tray
Fiber collection bottle
Tweezers or pick
33. Inno M7 Fusion Splicer Kit (2 available). @$1550
Splice multimode, singlemode, G. 652, G. 657, and other singlemode fiber types
Splice 200µ, 250µ and 900µ fiber
Splicer estimates splice loss
Prior to shipment, splicers received full charge
Prior to shipment, splicers make and record 2 splices each of OM3 and OS2
Power supply
Spare electrodes
250µ removable holders (2)
900µ removable holders (2)
Carrying case
Oven cooling tray
Fiber collection bottle
Tweezers or pick
34. Inno View 5 Fusion Splicer Kit (1 available). $1950
Splice multimode, singlemode, G. 652, G. 657, and other singlemode fiber types
Splice 200µ, 250µ and 900µ fiber
Splicer estimates splice loss
Prior to shipment, splicers received full charge
Prior to shipment, splicers make and record 2 splices each of OM3 and OS2
Power supply
Spare electrodes
250µ removable holders (2)
900µ removable holders (2)
Carrying case
Oven cooling tray
Fiber collection bottle
Tweezers or pick
35. Pelican Waterproof 1660 with 2 Locks (7 available). $125
Tight latches (7)
Convenient to move with wheels, 2 end handles, and retractable handle
32” x 23” x 20”
34# without foam
2 4-digit combination locks (not shown)
Purchased unused.
In these cases, without any damage, Pearson Technologies has shipped equipment to: Japan, S Korea (3 times), Italy (4 times), Germany (8 times), England, Canada (4 times)
36. Unicam VFL Tool and Cleaver (8 available). @$510
Install multimode and singlemode connectors
Install LC, ST, SC, FC connectors
Achieve high yield??
VFL installation tool
2.5mm adapter
1.25mm adapter
250µ fiber adapter
Fiber collection bottle
OTDR trace for two connectors installed to verify low loss
As shown, with Apache 1800 case
Without Apache case, $500.
37. Unicam VFL Tool and Cleaver (1 available). @$675
(With Corning Carrying Case)
Install multimode and singlemode connectors
Install LC, ST, SC, FC connectors
Achieve high yield
VFL installation tool
2.5mm adapter
1.25mm adapter
250µ fiber adapter
OTDR trace for two connectors installed to verify low loss
Carrying case
For 25 years, Pearson Technologies has used Apache cases to simplify and speed up equipment distribution, repacking and shipping. Even though we have shipped our equipment more than 500 times, we have never experienced damaged Apache cases or damage to equipment within these cases, even when shipping to and from oversea locations.
38. Apache 4800 Rugged Protective Case (4 available). @$30
Inside dimensions: 17.875” x 12.875” x 6.625”
39. Apache 3800 Rugged Protective Case (9 available). @$20
Inside dimensions: 14.875” x 10.625” x 6.125”
40. Apache 2800 Rugged Protective Case (7 available). @$15
Inside dimensions: 11.875” x 9” x 5.06”
41. Apache 1800 Rugged Protective Case (6 available). @$10
Inside dimensions: 8.125” x 5.625” x 3.75”
No Photo available at time of posting
42. Apache 1800 Rugged Protective Case (6 available). @$10
43. Fiber on Reels, With Pigtail
Use for OTDR testing and splicing training
Fiber on reel
Carrying case
Fiber types: OM1, OM2, OM3, OS2
44. OS2 Launch Cable, ~100m (2 available). $85
With ST-SC Adapter (included) can test both ST and SC terminated cables.
On reel with ST and SC ends.
45. Preformed Line Products Coyote Enclosures (6 available). $100
Useful for training in splicing, cable end preparation, and enclosure dressing.
We have used these enclosures in two trainings. In the first training, trainees work in teams of 2, each of which has an enclosure. Each team prepares 2 cable ends. Each person splices, inspects, and tests 1 or 2 fibers. With multiple teams, the completed system has been up to 850m long. This training simulates a typical outdoor, campus or telephone networks.
In the second training, trainees work in teams of 2, each of which has an enclosure. Each team prepares 3 cable ends. Two of the cables are splice throughs; the third is a drop cable. This training simulates a FTTH network.
Grommets (4)
Tray with splice holders (3, each with 4 positions)
Spiral wrap (2 lengths)
46. Miller Mid Span Tube Slitter. $125
Enables slitting of loose buffer tube to extract fibers without cutting all fibers in tube.
This tool slits 2.5mm and 3.1mm tubes.
47. Fiber with Primary Coating on Reels (19 available). $85??
These reels can be used for the following training activities.
OTDR testing
Fusion splicing
Mechanical splicing
Practice in stripping, handling primary coated fiber
Demonstration of bending loss
?? slitting
One reel of fiber with inner end pigtailed. Reel lengths differ but most are ˘≥1km.
Most pigtails are ST or SC connectors.
An ST to SC connector adapter to connect to OTDR launch cable.
OTDR trace of reel.
Reels Available
OM1 9? Reels)
Additional Items Available in Near Future (14-Mar-25)
48. Unicam Installation Tools Apache (4 cases)
49. Pelican 1620 shipping case
50. Pelican 1540 shipping case
51. Pelican shipping case
52. Corning shipping case
53. FIS drop cable, OS2, 12 fibers, lengths estimated at 80-120m (6 available)
54. Corning indoor/OFNP cable, OM3, 12 fibers, 100’ (4 available)
55. Corning indoor/OFNP cable, OM3, 12 fibers (2 available)
56. Corning indoor/OFNP cable, OS2, 12 fibers (4 available)
57. Corning indoor/OFNP cable, OS2, 2 fibers (6 available)
58. Adapters (ST, SC, FC/APC, FC)
59. OM1 launch cable
60. OM3 launch cable
61. Tool Set #3 (2 available): stripper, tubing cutter, scriber, tape measure, scissors, blade, seam cutter (for round cables with counter wrapped binders)
62. Tool Set #4L spare scissors (2)
63. Tool Set #5: spare tubing cutters (18) with spare blades (18)
64. Tool Set #6: spare strippers (#4)
65. Tool Set #7:
66. Safety glasses (bag of 6) (3 available)